Sedi Tech
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Enhancing operational efficiency with tailored solutions

We focus on information; its structure, content and quality and streamline its integration into business processes.   Our team has developed a mining solution around health and safety and engineering maintenance.

Although this solution was specifically developed to streamline safety and engineering maintenance procesesses within the group, it is a viable mining solution that we intend to package and commercialise.  

Sedibelo Technologies develops and maintains bespoke technology for the group

Sedi Tech

A wholly black-owned and managed software company

Software Solutions

Sedibelo Technologies owns 51% of MOADE Education Software, a software solutions company that has designed and developed SchoolLMS, an e-learning platform for schools and higher learning institutions.  The software is supported by the Centre for Public Service and Innovation (CPSI).  

Through this partnership, the software is being piloted in eight schools across South Africa. 

Moade 2


Sedibelo SIH Logo White

A diversified group of companies that participates in a broad spectrum of activities in the mining sector.